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Caring for Your Dental Crowns: Tips for Longevity and Shine

Feb 26, 2024

Caring for Your Dental Crowns: Tips for Longevity and Shine

dental crown

Dental crowns are a cornerstone in restorative dentistry, offering aesthetic and functional benefits for patients. Whether you're safeguarding a tooth from further decay, restoring a damaged tooth, or enhancing your smile's appearance, the right dental crown can make a significant difference. At The Smile Suite, our preference for zirconia crowns underscores our commitment to combining strength, biocompatibility, and beauty in our dental solutions. Here's how you can ensure your dental crowns retain their longevity and shine.

Understanding Dental Crown Types and Procedures

A Dental Porcelain Crown is more than just a cap for your tooth; it's a custom-made restoration designed to fully encase a compromised tooth, restoring its size, shape, and strength, while improving its overall appearance. Porcelain crowns, known for their natural look, are often recommended for their aesthetic qualities, blending seamlessly with your natural teeth.

At The Smile Suite, we often choose zirconia crowns for their exceptional durability and aesthetic appeal. Zirconia, a type of ceramic, is renowned for its strength, making it an ideal choice for crowns. It's also highly biocompatible, ensuring that your crown not only looks great but is also comfortable and safe for long-term wear.

When Are Porcelain Crowns Needed?

Porcelain crowns are versatile dental restorations recommended for various reasons:

  • Protection: They shield a tooth from decay or prevent a weak tooth from breaking.

  • Repair: Crowns restore broken, damaged, or worn-down teeth.

  • Cosmetic Enhancements: They cover misshapen, discolored teeth, and dental implants or are used for cosmetic modifications.

  • Structural Support: Crowns can hold together a cracked tooth, cover a tooth with a large filling, or hold a dental bridge in place.

For children, while the use of crowns is less common, stainless steel crowns may be recommended in specific cases to protect a tooth that's at high risk for decay or to support a tooth that can't be repaired with a filling.

Caring for Your Dental Crowns

To ensure your dental crowns last and continue to look their best, consider these essential care tips:

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush at least twice a day and floss daily. While crowns can't decay, the underlying tooth can; proper hygiene helps prevent decay at the crown's edges.

  2. Use the Right Tools: Soft-bristled toothbrushes and non-abrasive toothpaste are ideal for cleaning crowns without scratching their surface.

  3. Regular Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to The Smile Suite allow us to monitor your crowns and overall dental health, making adjustments as needed.

  4. Avoid Hard Foods: While zirconia crowns are tough, it's wise to avoid chewing on hard objects (like ice or hard candy) that could damage the crown.

  5. Protect Your Teeth: If you grind your teeth at night, consider getting a night guard to protect both your natural teeth and crowns from unnecessary pressure.

  6. Limit Staining Substances: Coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco can stain crowns over time. Limiting these substances or brushing after their consumption can help maintain the crown's color.

By following these care tips, your dental crowns can serve as a durable, functional, and aesthetic solution for many years. At The Smile Suite, we're committed to providing you with crowns that not only look natural and beautiful but are also made to last. If you have any questions about your crowns or are considering getting a crown, reach out to us for a consultation. Let us help you achieve and maintain a smile that's both healthy and radiant.

dental crown

The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crown Care at The Smile Suite

Taking proper care of your dental crowns is crucial for maintaining their longevity and ensuring they continue to look great. At The Smile Suite, we believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools they need to keep their dental work in top condition. This guide provides essential tips and practices for caring for your dental crowns, ensuring they last as long as possible while maintaining their shine and functionality.

Understanding Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom-fitted caps placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. At The Smile Suite, we prioritize using materials like zirconia for our crowns, known for their durability, biocompatibility, and aesthetic appeal. Proper care starts with understanding what your crowns are made of and how best to maintain them.

Daily Cleaning and Care

  1. Brushing and Flossing: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to gently clean your crowns twice a day. Flossing is equally important; it helps remove plaque and debris from around the crown edges, preventing gum disease and decay in the remaining natural tooth structure.

  2. Avoid Hard Foods: While dental crowns are designed to be durable, they are not indestructible. Avoid chewing on hard foods, ice, or other hard objects that could crack or chip the crown.

  3. Prevent Staining: Just like natural teeth, certain crowns can be susceptible to staining. Limit your intake of stain-inducing beverages and foods like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries. Consider using a straw for darker liquids to minimize contact with your crowns.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Routine visits to The Smile Suite are vital for maintaining your dental crowns. During these check-ups, our team can inspect your crowns for any signs of wear or damage, perform professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup and provide further recommendations for care based on your unique dental situation.

Responding to Damage or Discomfort

Should you experience any discomfort or sensitivity or notice damage to your crown, contact us at The Smile Suite immediately. Prompt attention to these issues can prevent further complications and ensure your crown is repaired or replaced if necessary.

The Role of Professional Cleanings

In addition to your home care routine, professional cleanings at The Smile Suite play a crucial role in crown maintenance. Our specialized tools and techniques can clean areas that are challenging to reach at home, ensuring your entire mouth stays healthy.


Caring for your dental crowns is a straightforward but important part of your overall oral health routine. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your crowns remain beautiful, functional, and an integral part of your smile for years to come. Remember, The Smile Suite team is here to support you every step of the way, from initial consultation to routine maintenance and beyond.

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