Routine Dental Checkup 

Our patients' most frequently asked question is how often they should book a routine dental checkup and teeth cleaning appointment. 

We at The Smile Suite dental practice strongly recommend having a routine dental checkup at least twice a year to ensure optimal dental health. No matter how thorough your oral hygiene routine is, chances are teeth stains, plaque, and tartar will still accumulate in your teeth.

If you're not careful and neglect regular dental visits, it will soon take its toll on your oral health. You may put yourself at risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues with your oral health the longer you go without dental treatments.

lady smiling

What Happens During a Routine Dental Checkup

During your routine dental checkup, here's what to expect. 

  1. The patient will complete forms including a health and dental history.
  2. Dental X-rays are taken as requested by the dentist. 
  3. A dental exam of your teeth and gums, soft palette, neck, and throat is performed to see if there are any abnormalities.
  4. Your dentist reviews all dental X-rays. 
  5. A routine dental cleaning occurs. 
  6. Additional dental work is presented if needed.
  7. We discuss with you tips on how to maintain overall oral health. 

When was the last time you saw your dentist or dental hygienist for an oral checkup?

Call us today at The Smile Suite, and together let's work for you to maintain excellent dental care, a beautiful and healthy smile, and an overall healthy oral environment.


What happens if oral health issues are found?

We discuss any oral health issues discovered after the routine dental checkup. We recommend all necessary treatments, such as regular professional cleanings to prevent the oral problem from worsening. Early detection is always better, especially when talking about simple issues like signs of tooth decay or more serious issues like oral cancer. 

In some cases, we may need to refer you to a specialist. For example, we will refer you to an orthodontist if you need treatment to straighten your teeth. With that, we also inform you of the estimated cost of the dental procedure and payment plans, if any. 

Further more we also inform you of the cost of the dental procedures in our office. If you have a dental benefit plan we will work with you to get the estimated coverage on the procedures presented for your particular plan.


Common Oral Health Problems Discovered During Dental Checkups


    Toothaches are characterized by throbbing pain, and it is usually caused by tooth decay. Flossing and rinsing your mouth can help you manage the pain, but we recommend you make an appointment as soon as possible. You may notice swelling around the area, pus surrounding the tooth, or you might have a temperature. These are strong indicators of an abscess. You need to see your dentist for further treatment immediately.


    You have various options to whiten your teeth and prevent stains. Many factors can cause teeth discoloration—including foods, coffee, medications, teas, and tobacco. A routine teeth cleaning will help minimize teeth stains. Also, you can seek three teeth whitening treatment options from your dentist:

    • Using a whitening agent and a special light.
    • Teeth bleach with take-home plastic trays and whitening gel from your dentist.
    • Using a whitening toothpaste and rinses to remove teeth stains on the surface.

    The little holes or dark spots on your teeth are signs of cavities caused by plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a sticky bacterium that stays on your teeth's surface. It slowly destroys your teeth's enamel, which soon causes spots or drills little holes in your tooth. Children are prone to cavities, and even adults. To prevent cavities, brushing and flossing daily really helps. Brush with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, and rinse with mouthwash. Also, limit your intake of snacks and keep up with your regular visits to the dentist. Ask your dentist about having dental sealants to keep your teeth healthy and prevent early signs of decay. 


    Cracked teeth happen when you are chewing on a hard item (candy, nuts, etc.) and it breaks the tooth. It can also occur during an accident, such as a sports injury or fall. Your dentist might still be able to save your tooth. In most cases, we recommend a dental crown to cover a cracked tooth and prevent it from getting worse. However, if the tooth becomes sensitive to cold and hot food, the dental problem might be more complex. You will need to see your dentist as soon as possible. Try to chew on the other side of your mouth until you see your dentist. A root canal treatment and a crown may be needed when a crack is above your gum line. A deeper crack may mean that your tooth needs to be extracted. 


    If your adult tooth doesn't come out properly, it is "impacted." An impacted tooth usually happens when it's stuck against a bone, a soft tissue, or another tooth. Common examples of this are Wisdom Teeth. If the impaction isn't bothering you, we recommend that you leave it alone. However, if it causes pain or problems in the future, we will refer you to a dental surgeon to have it removed.

Prevent Oral Health Issues

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